Dartoids World

Howie Reed’s Column

Column #HR149 Coincidence? NEVER!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Column HR149
Coincidence?  NEVER!

In the genre of espionage novels there’s no such thing as a “coincidence.”  Nothing “just happens.”  The genre began in America back in 1821 when James Fenimore Cooper published “The Spy.”  Robert Ludlum, Frederick Forsyth, Tom Clancy and John le Carré pound home the “no coincidence” point …

Column #HR149 Coincidence? NEVER! Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR148 Beware of what you say, when, and to whom

Wednesday, September 15, 2015
Column HR148
Beware of what you say, when, and to whom

With the most honorable editor gallivanting around the world – even temping the theory that “One Night in Bangkok Makes a Hard Man Humble” – an old adage comes to mind, which  states…

“When the cat’s away the mouse will …

Column #HR148 Beware of what you say, when, and to whom Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR147 The King ain’t dead… and the Queen, Anne Drtr, is alive (and living in Malaysia)

Thursday, August 26, 2015
Column HR147
The King ain’t dead… and the Queen, Anne Drtr, is alive (and living in Malaysia)

Sports fans the world over are a fickle lot. They will hate a player or team one day and then be shouting their parses the next. When the Old Dart Coach was playing bartender, …

Column #HR147 The King ain’t dead… and the Queen, Anne Drtr, is alive (and living in Malaysia) Read More »

Howie Reed's Column


Thursday, August 6, 2015
Column HR146

An email arrived from Firth of Tom which should never be confused with the Firth of Clyde.  Everyone knows that the latter “encloses the largest and deepest coastal waters in the British Isles.”   The Firth of Tom lives in Ireland, the land of Guinness – home …

Column #HR146 WIM-O-WAY… WIM-O-WAY… WIM-O-WAY… Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

#HR145 The darts greats of yesteryear would prosper today

Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Column HR145
The darts greats of yesteryear would prosper today

The Old Dart Coach (for those who are not aware) has a bit of an ego. Sure, this may come as a shock to some, but most will shake their heads with savoir-faire and mutter, “Tell me something I don’t know.”…

#HR145 The darts greats of yesteryear would prosper today Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR144 All hail American women dart players!

Thursday, July 9, 2015
Column HR144
All hail American women dart players!

It’s been said that a goldfish has a very short attention span. The often heard comment (frequently said to the Old Dart Coach) is, “You have the attention span of a goldfish.”  A new study conducted by Microsoft shows that humans have an …

Column #HR144 All hail American women dart players! Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR141 Cinderella “Honk” Kong and the WDF World Cup FIASCO

Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Column HR141
Cinderella “Honk” Kong and the WDF World Cup FIASCO

Toeing the Oche is the cutting edge. Granted sometimes the knife’s a little dull…

The Old Dart Coach picked Scotland to beat England in the World Cup. On the other hand, he also picked Scotland to beat defending champion Netherlands …

Column #HR141 Cinderella “Honk” Kong and the WDF World Cup FIASCO Read More »

Howie Reed's Column