Dartoids World

Column #472 ADO Publishes Board Meeting Minutes!

Monday, September 8, 2014
Column 472
ADO Publishes Board Meeting Minutes! 

In keeping with President David Hascup’s commitment to fix the American Darts Organization (ADO) and Communication Officer Steve Brown’s promise to improve communications, the Minutes of the most recent Board of Director’s meeting were recently posted to the ADO  website.  I could be mistaken, but to my memory this is the first time Minutes have been made public since 2008.

There is interesting stuff here.  The IRS has visited the West Coast office – and will return.  The ADO’s Chief Financial Officer, Lloyd Hoover, is still “working on a complete financial report” (which may explain why he doesn’t respond to e-mail queries)… and past president, Buddy Bartoletta, unlike you or I, was able to attend the usually closed door meeting (and now has an extra $500 in his pocket).

Just observations…

All in all, just the fact that the Minutes have been made public is a significant step in a positive direction.

From the Field,



American Darts Organization

Board of Directors Meeting

August 7, 2014

Stamford, CT


Board Members present:

Vice President Laurett Meddis

Chief Financial Officer Lloyd Hoover

General Secretary Carolyn Camp

Interim Communications Officer Steve Brown

Area 1 Manager Steve Moore

Area 2 Manager Steve Schauss

Area 3 Manager John Hooten

Area 4 Manager Chuck Hudson

Area 5 Manager Joe Hogan

Interim Area 6 Manager Steve Webb

National Youth Manager Steve Gagnon

Voting Strength – 10

Also present: WDF Vice-President Buddy Bartoletta

Thursday, August 7, 2014 at 10:00 AM Vice President Meddis called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes from the January meeting. Passed unanimously.

2015 National Championships

The Cleveland Extravaganza and the DFW-Metroplex tournaments submitted bids to host the 2015 Masters National. A motion was made and seconded to vote between the tournaments. The Cleveland Extravaganza was awarded the 2015 Masters National by a majority vote.

The Ghost on the Coast, the Witch City Open, and the Colorado Open submitted bids to host the 2015 US Team National. A motion was made and seconded to vote between the tournaments. The Ghost on the Coast was awarded the 2015 US Team National by a majority vote.

It was reconfirmed that the 2015 National Cricket Championship will be held at the Las Vegas Open.

It was reconfirmed that the 2015 All-Stars/National 501 Championship will be held at the USA Classic. 

WDF Vice-President Bartoletta entered the meeting. 

World Darts Federation Tournaments

The 6 WDF ranked tournaments for 2015 are the tournaments hosting the 4 National Championships, plus the Camellia Classic and the Colorado Open.

The 6 WDF Youth ranked tournaments for 2015 are the Camellia Classic, the Cleveland Extravaganza, the DFW-Metroplex Open, the USA Classic, the Witch City Open, and the Colorado Open.

BDO Ranked Tournaments

All tournaments with a total purse of $20,000 or greater are eligible to host the BDO ranked events, as are those hosting National Championships. President Hascup will check with these tournaments and post the BDO ranked tournaments on the ADO website.

2014 Americas Cup

ADO expense issues involved with the 2014 Americas Cup held in Florida were discussed. WDF Vice President Bartoletta stated that the Americas Cup is always held in conjunction with the Caribbean Cup because of travel expenses involved. Florida as a state participates in the Caribbean Cup and has a vote on where it is hosted. ADO does not have a vote but when Florida hosts the Caribbean Cup ADO hosts the Americas Cup.

WDF Vice-President Bartoletta exited the meeting. 

Chief Financial Officer Report

Chief Financial Officer Hoover reported on the IRS situation. An IRS agent has visited the ADO office unannounced and will continue to do so.

The State of California raised the minimum wage earlier in the year. ADO had been making quarterly payroll tax payments, but the IRS now requires monthly payments. They also want a quarterly report. The IRS wants the payroll issues (as a result of the minimum wage being raised) resolved, and ADO now has a payment plan that will resolve this issue by the end of September 2014. The IRS is working with us to resolve the 990 issues.

Before the IRS would work with the ADO the incorporation papers with Massachusetts had to be brought up to date. This was completed in March. In April the incorporation papers were sent to the State of California. California wants the 990 issue resolved which is being worked on with the IRS. All should be resolved before or by the end of the year.

CFO Hoover is working on a complete financial report.

The ADO accountant has retired. CFO Hoover stated that he would search for a new ADO accountant.

Break for lunch 12:30 PM

Meeting resumed 2.30PM

Regional Director Expenses

There was some confusion about the procedure that a Regional Director needs to follow for reimbursement of expense money, and Vice President Meddis restated the procedure.

“The Regional Director sends an Expense Report form to his/her Area Manager. The Area Manager approves or questions the expenses. Once the expenses are approved the Area Manager sends the expense form to the CFO for payment.”

Mileage allowance for a Regional Director driving to run a National Qualifier was changed from actual gas used to $.25 a mile. If a Regional Director plays in the National Qualifier the Regional Director receives no reimbursement for expenses.

If a player chooses to drive to a National Championship, rather than fly, the mileage reimbursement is $.40 per mile or the cost of an airline ticket whichever is less. 

Officer Reports

Area 1 Manager Moore reported that he is working to see that all money owed to the ADO from his Area is paid.

Area 2 Manager Schauss stated there was nothing new to report from his Area.

Area 3 Manager Hooten reported that membership has dropped in his Area. He stated that he is willing to go anywhere to talk to leagues about ADO. Area 3-3 is doing very well.

Area 4 Manager Hudson reported that there are some new leagues in his Area. He stated that he has also started a new league. He is working hard to keep communication open with Florida.

Area 5 Manager Hogan reported that National Qualifier attendance is down in his Area.

Interim Area 6 Manager Webb stated that Interim Communications Officer Brown (the past Area 6 Manager) is working closely with him. Manager Webb is working on some ideas to get leagues interested in ADO.

Interim Communications Officer Brown reported that he and President Hascup are working together to make some important changes to the ADO website. He also stated that he has requested that associations to send him information to post on the website.

National Youth Manager Gagnon stated that National Youth attendance was down this year.

It was decided that tournament packets sent from the ADO office should include a suggestion that the tournament make a $100 donation to the Youth Scholarship Fund. This would be a suggestion only.

A motion was made and seconded to change Article XI Section 13 to read:

“Board Member vacancies shall be filled temporarily by the President, for a period not to exceed 90 days. An election, under these circumstances, to fill such vacancies, shall be effected by mail and shall take place during said 90 days. Regional Director vacancies shall be filled by the respective Area Manager or the respective Area Manager shall appoint an interim Regional Director to fill said position until the regular election for said position.” Passed unanimously.

A motion was made and seconded to offer past President Bartoletta a nominal monetary compensation of $500 in the future for his hard work as Co-Tournament Director of the Las Vegas Open. Passed Unanimously.

As Vice President Meddis is not running again for office Area 5 Manager Hogan suggested the Board give Vice President Meddis a huge “thank you” for all her years of hard work on behalf of ADO. The Board heartily agreed.

A motion was made and seconded by to adjourn the meeting. Passed unanimously. 

Meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM


  • "Dartoid" is the pseudonym of Paul Seigel, a prominent chronicler of darts for over 35 years. His columns are celebrated for their wit and insight, often detailing his quest for a game in exotic locales worldwide. His writing offers vibrant commentary on the competitive darts landscape, including players, organizations, tournaments and the sport's unique culture. Dartoid's articles are highly regarded among darts enthusiasts, solidifying his role as a pivotal figure in promoting and documenting darts as both a recreational pastime and professional sport.

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