Dartoids World

Column #665 Dartoid’s “Darts in Paradise” prize fund TRIPLED to $200,000!

Saturday, June 1, 2024
Column 665
Dartoid’s “Darts in Paradise” prize fund TRIPLED to $200,000!

While it may seem that things have been quiet on the Darts in Paradise front, behind the scenes nothing could be further from the truth!  Indeed, we’re on course for a spectacular inaugural tournament in Cancun, Mexico, in just one year – from June 1 to 8, 2025.

We promised to keep you informed of exciting new developments and today we are thrilled to let you know of a substantial increase in payouts – to a total prize fund of $200,000.  The total payout for each singles event is $45,500 – more than the entire prize fund at the Las Vegas Open.  There is serious cash to be made.

Many people have asked what the vision or end game is for Darts in Paradise.  This is an excellent question. While we have shared that Cancun is just the first event in what is envisioned to be a series throughout the Caribbean, perhaps we have been remiss in not having shared the bigger picture.  There is a lot to look forward to.

Some of you will remember the hugely popular Golden Harvest Tournament in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, which ran from 1996 through 2004.  It drew the likes of Phil Taylor, Dennis Priestley, Andy Fordham and many more.  The first year’s winner cashed a $10,000 check (half the amount the Darts in Paradise winners – both men and women – will take home).  In the final years, the Golden Harvest winners pocketed $50,000.

This is our blueprint, but we aim to give it a heavy dose of steroids (we’ve already started).

While the payouts may not yet be up to the Golden Harvest standard we are determined to get it there.  What other Americas-based tournament offers $200,000 plus ALL of the following?

  • A tropical setting,
  • 5-star all-inclusive oceanside hotel,
  • NO ENTRY FEES to main events,
  • Installment payment plans,
  • “Mr. Wonderful” Howie Reed as the MC,
  • “The Voice” – the one and only Russ Bray as referee,
  • Attendance/exhibitions by world champions – John Lowe, Keith Deller and Paul Lim,
  • EQUAL money for men and women,
  • Live music,
  • Real time streaming, and
  • Side activities like evening cruises and visits to Mayan ruins.

The answer is: NONE (and much more will be announced over the coming months).

What is our vision?  We believe darts (similar to PCDC events) can use an injection of fresh excitement and more opportunities to make BIG money.  We’re offering a uniquely different experience.

We see the day when the Darts in Paradise series (tournaments wrapped up in vacations wrapped up in tournaments) are staples on the annual darts calendar, events not to be missed – experiences that offer a whole lot for players and non-player spouses and significant others alike.

We see the day (similar to what Ken Finch, president of the old Golden Harvest Tournament, once said) when Darts in Paradise offers the kind of money that attracts players from all over the world.  No tournament – not ever – except the Golden Harvest (and even it had a strong PDC connection) hosted on North American soil (or anywhere in the Caribbean) has ever paid out $200,000 – and this is just a beginning.  Even the old Royal Hawaiian paid “just” $100,000 in its heyday.  The most popular North American-based tournament today is the ADO’s Las Vegas Open and, as already noted, it paid out $40,000 in 2024.

We see the day when we attract the best men and women in the world, the players who think they are the best in the world, those who aspire to be the best in the world and those who just want to play against the best in the world.  We’re encouraged to know that several current top-level PDC and CDC (and WDF) players are looking closely at Darts in Paradise.

Due to overwhelming early interest we’ve already had to move the tournament from Costa Rica to a larger hotel in Cancun. There is no way we’re relocating again, regardless of the level of bookings.  But you need to act quickly.

So, mark your calendars and go to www.dartsinparadise.com, lock in your participation and book your room today. Installment plans are available – you can pay over TWO YEARS!

Suffice it to say we’re just getting started but it’s coming along well.  Don’t delay.  Don’t miss out.  

Nos vemos en Cancun!

From the Field,



  • Dartoid

    "Dartoid" is the pseudonym of Paul Seigel, a prominent chronicler of darts for over 35 years. His columns are celebrated for their wit and insight, often detailing his quest for a game in exotic locales worldwide. His writing offers vibrant commentary on the competitive darts landscape, including players, organizations, tournaments and the sport's unique culture. Dartoid's articles are highly regarded among darts enthusiasts, solidifying his role as a pivotal figure in promoting and documenting darts as both a recreational pastime and professional sport.

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