Dartoids World

Howie Reed’s Column

Column #HR17 SURPRISE! It’s Taylor Again (at European Championships)

Monday, August 2, 2010
Column HR17
SURPRISE! It’s Taylor Again (at European Championships)

Back in the day when the Old Dart Coach was the Old Rodeo Guy the days around July 4th used to be called “Cowboy’s Christmas.” The name emerged from a string of rodeos around that holiday that could make or break a …

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Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR16 Taylor Does a Tchaikovsky! Bromberg Gits ‘er Done!

Monday, July 26, 2010
Column HR16
Taylor Does a Tchaikovsky! Bromberg Gits ‘er Done!

The ODC sometimes gets things almost right. He opined, “Off the quarters (97.93) one would have to think that Barney (95.89) is there for the taking if Wade is up to the task.” He was spot on but Wade wasn’t up …

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Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR10 World Series of Darts Festival… Par Cuatro

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Column HR10
World Series of Darts Festival… Par Cuatro

Ernest Hemingway wrote the novel “The Sun Also Rises.” For reasons unknown there was never a work titled “The Sun Also Sets.” Missed opportunities some might say… as the sun in Las Vegas set yesterday on the PDC portion of the Tropicana …

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Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR9 World Series of Darts Festival… Par Tres

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Column HR9
World Series of Darts Festival… Par Tres

The Greek scholar Archimedes who lived from 287 BC to 212 BC proudly proclaimed “Eureka!” which means, literally, “I’ve found it!” Why he didn’t just say “I found it” is lost in the antiquity. The late American President John F. Kennedy use …

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Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR8 World Series of Darts Festival… Par Deux

Monday, June 28, 2010
Column HR8
World Series of Darts Festival… Par Deux

Cicero wrote: “As you sow, so shall you reap.” That would be Marcus Tullius Cicero, one of Rome’s greatest orators and prose stylist who lived from January 3, 106 BC until December 7, 43 BC. He could have been writing about Mr. …

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Howie Reed's Column