Dartoids World


"Dartoid" is the pseudonym of Paul Seigel, a prominent chronicler of darts for over 35 years. His columns are celebrated for their wit and insight, often detailing his quest for a game in exotic locales worldwide. His writing offers vibrant commentary on the competitive darts landscape, including players, organizations, tournaments and the sport's unique culture. Dartoid's articles are highly regarded among darts enthusiasts, solidifying his role as a pivotal figure in promoting and documenting darts as both a recreational pastime and professional sport.

Column #602 Drag Queens, Darts and the Old Dart Coach in Key West

Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Column 602
Drag Queens, Darts and the Old Dart Coach in Key West

A ten-year-oldie… how time flies!

In the last installment of Dartoid’s World I found myself in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – the coldest national capital on the planet.  Somewhere in the countryside yaks wandered the frozen tundra while I pounded …

Column #602 Drag Queens, Darts and the Old Dart Coach in Key West Read More »

Dartoid's Column

Column #599 The World Seniors Darts Championship deserves massive support. And Larry Butler!

Friday, May 21, 2021
Column 599
The World Seniors Dart Championship deserves massive support.  And Larry Butler!

To quote the greatest of them all, darts fans should be “over the moon” at news of the upcoming World Seniors Darts Championship.  I certainly am.

But then I’d much rather watch an old Ali-Frasier fight than any …

Column #599 The World Seniors Darts Championship deserves massive support. And Larry Butler! Read More »

Dartoid's Column

Column #596 Darts and politics DON’T MIX!

Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Column 596
Darts and politics DON’T MIX!

“For some time, I have been working on a column, struggling really,” I wrote to a friend recently.

Writer’s block?  No.  I never have a problem putting words to paper.

It’s worse…

Although I don’t throw competitively much these days most of my closest …

Column #596 Darts and politics DON’T MIX! Read More »

Dartoid's Column

Column #594 The greatest World Championship Final Ever!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Column 594
The Greatest World Championship Final Ever!

As the PDC world championship moves into full swing it seems worth sharing again (from May 2003) a replay of what many believe was the greatest world championship final ever…

In 1999, I sat down in a bar outside of Toronto to interview

Column #594 The greatest World Championship Final Ever! Read More »

Dartoid's Column