Dartoids World

Column #HR198 LIM ‘N LIM – The New Frankfurt “Chinese” Takeout!

Friday, June 2, 2017
Column HR198
LIM ‘N LIM – The New Frankfurt “Chinese” Takeout

When the sun rose yesterday at 5:29 a.m. in Frankfurt, Germany, the odds were good that few if any of the 2.3 million metro area population knew or even cared that in just 15 hours the PDC World Cup VI would begin. It’s a good bet otherwise that the 64 darters playing for country and £300,000 (or in USD $386,129 and an all-important 62 cents) were aware and ready to toe the line.

It bears noting that over the years many a statement or action has been attributed to a gender neutral being named Anonymous. One of the best known (attributed actions) came from the mouth of OJ Simpson when he claimed, “The other dude did it.”

Readers will know that the Old Dart Coach had gone out on the limb in predicting a win for the Dutch team of Michael van Gerwen and Raymond van Barneveld. His pals, Mr. D. Brook of Thailand and Mr. T. Ewalt of Ohio, had cast their lot with Gary Anderson and Peter Wright of Scotland.

Have these people made a mistake?

Nope, because (here comes Anonymous, or maybe Albert Einstein): “Show me a man, woman, or ‘declined to state’ who has never made a mistake and I will show you someone who has never tried anything.” The “quote” was updated to protect the gender fragile.

Well, the ODC’s prediction is still alive and to all those who threw in with Scotland he can say:


In a match that had the ODC on his feet and screaming to an decibel that jolted dogs to a cacophony of howls across the barrio of Norte Las Vegas, Paul and Harith Lim (Singapore) knocked the “experts” on their collective backsides with a 5-2 “take out” of the number #1 seed – Scotland (Gary Anderson and Peter Wright). Paul Lim was magnificent, particularly when he opened the match with a T80, T40 to leave 40 and then took 20 out.

Paul Lim would miss three for the match but then get the clincher when left with 100, after a Scotland blew a chance. He nailed the T20, took a deep breath, and then pegged double tops.

“I said to myself ‘just give me a chance,” his partner Harith commented, “I’m a good supporting actor.”

Singapore moves on to the second round where they face a Spanish team that struggled to beat Japan 5-3 after trailing early.

The best match of the night saw #4 seed Wales extended for a 5-4 win over Finland with former rugby player Gerwyn Price supplying the scoring. Down 4-3, Wales put together a leg of T80, T80 on the way to an 11-darter. They’ll play a Republic of Ireland team that came on late for a 5-3 win over Poland.

Had it not been for Paul Lim the star of the day would have been Belgium’s Kym Hybrechts. He had four T80s in Belgium’s 5-2 victory over New Zealand. Belgium will next face the Greek team that was underwhelming in their 5-3 win over Thailand. Thailand started fast but as often happens lost steam which allowed a John Michael led team to comeback for the win.

Russia lost the first leg against the darts but never trailed after that. Hong Kong did close the gap to 4-3 when Russia used a T34 to leave 40, which went bye-bye. The Russian 5-3 win sets up a meeting with Australia who struggled. The foundation of the team, Simon Whitlock, had inured his wrist which put Kyle Anderson in the #1 spot against Denmark. Neither team was terribly impressive but the Aussies should be favored over the Ruskies on Saturday.

With Scotland out, this opens up the top end of the draft which should have Belgium, Australia, and Wales breathing a sigh of relief. The bottom half of the draw takes the stage today with local interest on Germany’s match against the #6 seed – Northern Ireland with Daryl Gurney and Brendan Dolan. Germany will have the home court advantage which will only help them if they can score and hit doubles.

North America will have both the USA (against Italy) and Canada (against Hungary) in action and both should be slight favorites. The “marquee” matches involve #1 seed Netherlands against the Czech Republic while England takes on Gibraltar. For England it will test the paring of Adrian Lewis and Dave Chisnell.

Prior to Singapore-Scotland there was talk that Gary Anderson and Peter Wright “don’t like each other.” Said “expert” Wayne Mardle, “That won’t affect them. They’re professionals.” But it did seem to affect them during their spanking at the hands of the “Not Brothers Lim.” As the match progressed Wright’s face got redder and redder. At the end he looked like a thermometer in Death Valley on the 4th of July.

Fourth of July?

Big Yank holiday.

The ODC has a bone to pick with Mr. Mardle. When talking about the Lim match he commented, “They didn’t really play good.” He then implied, “We know that Gary Anderson and Peter Wright are better dart players than Paul and Harith Lim.”

Oh really?

The short format is such that anyone can win.

Yea, but the game was doubles, best of 9. Singapore won 5-2. That Mr. Mardle is a right ass kicking!

I suppose if Usain Bolt won the 100 and 200 Mr. Mardle would say, “Well it‘s such a short race that the better runner doesn’t always win.”

Stay thirsty my friends.


  • Howie Reed

    Astute, often controversial, and always humorous, the Old Dart Coach, Howie Reed (a former rodeo cowboy and advertising executive), is heralded as the Dean of Darts Chroniclers - the most prolific and widely followed writer ever about our sport. He goes back decades with the legends and knows where the skeletons are buried (just ask any of the ADO and WDF old-timers!). Here are four well-known facts about the Old Dart Coach: 1) he is a Republican, 2) he loves the ladies, 3) he can drink most anybody under the table, and 4) he throws darts as bad as Dartoid.

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