Dartoids World

Howie Reed’s Column

Column #HR98 Darts, the Circus and Clowns (the DRA)

Friday, September 13, 2013
Column HR98
Darts, the Circus and Clowns (the DRA)

Prompted by the query, “How does your mind work?” the Old Dart Coach mused. He was bewildered by the question (and highly offended by the term “work”) but he soldered on.

His mind wandered back to a book he devoured in his …

Column #HR98 Darts, the Circus and Clowns (the DRA) Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR97 Wrasslin’ with the PDC (and an anaconda?)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Column HR97
Wrasslin’ with the PDC (and an anaconda?)

Ever try to explain the game of darts to a sightless person? It’s hard enough to explain the game, period.

Eons ago the ODC explained the game to Chris Berman on ESPN, “You start with something… when you have nothing left… you …

Column #HR97 Wrasslin’ with the PDC (and an anaconda?) Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR96 The Sun: “Bristow calls Taylor a cheat over missed double 12.”

Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Column HR96
The Sun: “Bristow calls Taylor a cheat over missed double 12.”

Thursday in Las Vegas means a lunch of sporting personalities and sports writers and a good chin wag. It’s strange that HHR II (aka the Old Dart Coach) is included considering the fact that he meets none of …

Column #HR96 The Sun: “Bristow calls Taylor a cheat over missed double 12.” Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR95 How flipping magnanimous!

Monday, July 15, 2013
Column HR95
How flipping magnanimous!

During a recent chat a pal of the Old Dart Coach remarked of a common acquaintance, “He has a character flaw. He doesn’t like sports.”

That statement’s simplicity is astounding. In sport it’s “outhouse” to the “penthouse” – and vice versa – in a New York …

Column #HR95 How flipping magnanimous! Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR94 “We celebrate the 4th because we got rid of the likes of you!”

Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Column 94
“We celebrate the 4th because we got rid of the likes of you!”

The cry rang throughout the land…

“The British are coming! The British are coming!”

Most can identify the loudmouth as Paul Revere immortalized by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in his poem “Paul Revere’s Ride.”

Paul’s horse?

“Brown …

Column #HR94 “We celebrate the 4th because we got rid of the likes of you!” Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR93 “What a difference a day makes.” 24 little hours… and an era passes.

Thursday, June 13, 2013
Column HR93
“What a difference a day makes.” 24 little hours… and an era passes.

Prophetic or pathetic, work on this effort began with quotations (and nicknames) as the centerpiece…

From “The Bard” Shakespeare (Romeo and Juliet): “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name …

Column #HR93 “What a difference a day makes.” 24 little hours… and an era passes. Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR92 The world was Barry’s. He just let us live in it.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Column HR92
The world was Barry’s. He just let us live in it.

Mention the name William Shatner and the image of James T. Kirk, captain of the USS Enterprise on Star Trek, comes to mind or maybe even an older Shatner doing commercials for Priceline.com. Lately Shatner has been walking …

Column #HR92 The world was Barry’s. He just let us live in it. Read More »

Howie Reed's Column