Dartoids World

Howie Reed’s Column

Column #HR220 Big Baby Lewis, the DRA and the Sword of Damocles

Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Column HR220
“Big Baby” Lewis, the DRA and the Sword of Damocles

While enjoying the morning “Mia cup of coffee” (no Espresso Macchiato for the Old Dart Coach) he was struck with the realization that he owed Adrian “Big Baby” Lewis a sincere and deeply heartfelt apology.

It’s not easy to …

Column #HR220 Big Baby Lewis, the DRA and the Sword of Damocles Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR219 MORE about the walk-on girls (and a word about “Big Baby” Lewis)

Friday, February 5, 2018
Column HR219
MORE about the walk-on girls (and a word about “Big Baby” Lewis)

WARNING: This column will contain the opinions of the Old Dart Coach (as opposed to other columns in which he tries to pass blame onto others by using “questionable” quotation marks).

Sport, including darts, is most …

Column #HR219 MORE about the walk-on girls (and a word about “Big Baby” Lewis) Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR216 The ODC’s second “last” column of 2017

Thursday, December 28
Column HR216
The ODC’s second “last” column of 2017

Editor’s note: In his last column of 2017 (which you may now have guessed wasn’t) the Old Dart Coach wrote the following: To clear the slate for the New Year the ODC has a confession to make. He’s in a consensual workplace

Column #HR216 The ODC’s second “last” column of 2017 Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR215 Paul Lim – you did us PROUD. Keep it going!

Tuesday, December 19
Column HR215
Paul Lim – you did us PROUD.  Keep it going!

Aided by copious amounts of Miller Genuine and a nice cigar and to borrow from the Huey Lewis album, Sports: “THIS IS IT” – the ODC’s last column of 2017 (which no doubt will be greeted by cheers from …

Column #HR215 Paul Lim – you did us PROUD. Keep it going! Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR214 Some advice for the new ADO president

Thursday, November 15
Column HR214
Some advice for the new ADO president

It can be reported with certainty that anyone who plays or has played darts has at one time or another been asked…

“You play darts? How many bulls can you throw?”

After one answers, the inevitable less-than-cute follow up question usually is…


Column #HR214 Some advice for the new ADO president Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR213 The ADO should beg machine operators to take over the sport!

Wednesday, November 1
Column HR213
The ADO should beg machine operators to take over the sport!

There are times, abeit rather rare, when the Old Dart Coach is spot on.

He may have hit on something recently when he mentioned that the PDC seemed to have “a big tournament every week on TV.” The overall …

Column #HR213 The ADO should beg machine operators to take over the sport! Read More »

Howie Reed's Column

Column #HR212 You can take a player out of England but you can’t take the England out of the player!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Column HR212
You can take a player out of England but you can’t take the England out of the player!

It takes a great deal to shock the Old Dart Coach, even more to jar the very roots of his being.

This happened recently, twice within days.

The ODC was sure …

Column #HR212 You can take a player out of England but you can’t take the England out of the player! Read More »

Howie Reed's Column